Maritime Training ERM Training

Our <Engine Room Resource Management- Leadership and Teamwork Training (hereafter ERM)> was approved as the training course by Class NK in accordance with STCW ERM requirement, on 4th October 2019, for the 1st time in Japan. Our ERM course satisfies the STCW 2010 Manila amendment qualifications for the Engineer Officer. The objective is to obtain how to create the necessary teamwork in the Engine Room, through the lecture and simulator exercise. (NK approved certificate will be provided after the completion of training course)

MOL Marine & Engineering started ERM training course utilizing only turbine engine simulator in November 2018. By the installation of diesel engine simulator in October 2019, we have been providing the ERM training for turbine engineer as well as diesel engineer. On that opportunity, we decided to accept any engineers who may belong to any company, even outside of MOL Group. It is our policy to contribute to the safety operation of all vessels in the world through such an activity.